
Body Proportions Visualizer
body proportions visualizer

However, considering the popularity of specific body shapes in different parts of the world, 36'-24'-36' are the ideal body measurements for women.When measuring, be sure to stand straight with arms to the side. It is hard to standardize a perfect female body according to a particular shape or body measurement. A female body can be placed in a range of body measurements and shapes.

Please Note: You must be 18 to upload a photo.Try our Picture It visualizer to see our floors in your space and get 4 free. Our photo submission process also allows you to block out part of the image to protect your identity, if you wish. Upload a picture of your full body. 67.We need the help of real women to develop the project and build a collection of photos that will help more women see themselves more clearly. 70, and a waist-to-chest ration of.

body proportions visualizer

A person with a 34" waist and 40" hip would therefore have a waist-hip ratio of 34/40, or 0.85. The value is calculated by dividing waist measurement by hip measurement. Also, some body shapes may not fit into any of the shapes listed below.If (bust - hips) ≤ 1" AND (hips - bust) 1" AND (bust - hips) 2" AND (hips - waist) ≥ 7" AND (high hip/waist) ≥ 1.193If (hips - bust) ≥ 3.6" AND (hips - waist) < 9"If (bust - hips) ≥ 3.6" AND (bust - waist) < 9"If (hips - bust) < 3.6" AND (bust - hips) < 3.6" AND (bust - waist) < 9" AND (hips - waist) < 10"Waist-hip ratio (WHR) is defined as the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. There are very wide ranges of actual sizes within each shape.

...body proportions visualizerbody proportions visualizer

Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Bautista L, Franzosi MG, Commerford P, Lang CC, Rumboldt Z, Onen CL, Lisheng L, Tanomsup S, Wangai P, Razak F, Sharma AM, Anand SS (November 2005). M., "Comparison of body shape between USA and Korean women", International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.19, No.5, 2007, pp.374-391. Lee, J.Y., Istook,C.L., Nam, Y. Studies have also shown that men with WHRs around 0.9 are more fertile, tend to be healthier, and also have a lower chance of both prostate and testicular cancer.Aside from the associated health risks, WHR has also been studied in relation to cognitive ability, as a measure of female attractiveness, and even in relation to food composition in a diet.

body proportions visualizer